
大咖来了!剑桥大学Frank Jiggins教授在线分享:果蝇抗性的遗传多样性及机制研究


群体中存在大量的宿主抗性和寄生虫感染的遗传变异,感染的结果取决于彼此基因特异性,这些效应是由宿主和寄生虫基因共同控制的复杂免疫防御。果蝇对寄生蜂Leptopilina boulardi的免疫反应存在着广泛的差异;如酚氧化酶活性,主要受宿主基因型的影响;如互补样蛋白Tep1的上调,是由寄生虫的基因型控制。果蝇抗性背后的机制到底是什么呢?

12月16日下午 16:00,中科新生命携手中国农业大学植物保护学院非常荣幸邀请到英国剑桥大学遗传系教授Frank Jiggins博士,为大家在线分享《Constitutive activation of cellular immunity underlies the evolution of resistance to infection in Drosophila 》专题报告,欢迎感兴趣的老师报名参加!


Constitutive activation of cellular immunity underlies the evolution of resistance to infection in Drosophila


2020年12月16日 16:00-17:30





Frank Jiggins教授

英国剑桥大学 (University of Cambridge)

剑桥遗传系教授,获得剑桥大学本科、博士学位,2000-2003年Emmanuel College Research Fellow,2003-2008在Wellcome Trust、Royal Society资助下于爱丁堡大学进化生物学研究所工作,2009年回到剑桥大学遗传系。担任PLoS Pathogens, BMC Biology, eLife (Guest), Molecular Ecology等杂志编辑以及NERC Large Grant,Newton Fellowship等基金会评审成员。研究获得英国生物技术与生物科学基金会 (BBSRC)、自然环境研究理事会(NERC)、惠康基金 (Wellcome Trust)、英国皇家学会 (Royal Society)、欧洲莱弗休姆基金 (Leverhulme Trust)等机构资助。主要研究包括昆虫寄主与寄生生物之间的进化关系,探索影响寄主抗性的遗传多样性及其在自然种群中维持的机制。


1.   Leitão, AB, Bian, X, Day, JP, Pitton, S, Demir, E, Jiggins, FM 2019 Independent effects on cellular and humoral immune responses underlie genotype-by-genotype interactions between Drosophila and parasitoids. PLoS Pathogens. 15: e1008084.

2.  Martinez J, Klasson L, Welch JJ, Jiggins FM. 2020. Life and Death of Selfish Genes: Comparative Genomics Reveals the Dynamic Evolution of Cytoplasmic Incompatibility. Mol. Biol. Evol.

3. Lewis S, Ross L, Bain SA, Pahita E, Smith SA, Cordaux R, Miska EA, Lenhard B, Jiggins FM 2020. Widespread conservation and lineage-specific diversification of genome-wide DNA methylation patterns across arthropods. PLoS Genetics.

4. Alves, JM, Carneiro, M, Cheng, JY, Lemos de Matos, A, Rahman, MM, Loog, L, Campos, PF, Wales, N, Eriksson, A, Manica, A, Strive, T, Graham, SC, Afonso, S, Bell, DJ, Belmont, L, Day, JP, Fuller, SJ, Marchandeau, S, Palmer, WJ, Queney, G, Surridge, AK, Vieira, FG, McFadden, G, Nielsen, R, Gilbert, MTP, Esteves, PJ, Ferrand, N and Jiggins, FM 2019 Parallel adaptation of rabbit populations to myxoma virus. Science. 363: 1319–1326 doi: 101126/scienceaau7285

5. Duxbury, EML, Day, JP, Vespasiani, DM, Thüringer, Y, Tolosana, I, Smith, SCL, Tagliaferri, L, Kamacioglu, A, Lindsley, I, Love, L, Unckless, RL, Jiggins, FM*, Longdon, B* 2019 Host-pathogen coevolution increases genetic variation in susceptibility to infection. eLife.

6. Lewis, SH, Quarles, KA, Yang, Y, Tanguy, M, Frezal, L, Smith, SA, Sharma, SP, Cordaux, R, Gilbert, C, Giraud, I, Collins, DH, Zamore, PD, Miska, EA, Sarkies, P, Jiggins, FM 2017 Pan-arthropod analysis reveals somatic piRNAs as an ancestral defence against transposable elements. Nature Ecology and Evolution. 2: 174