2020质谱应用领域全球盛会 —— 第68届美国质谱年会(American Society for Mass Spectrometry, ASMS)定于6月1-12日召开。由于受到新冠疫情影响,大会组委会已取消线下会议议程,将对研讨会内容进行实时“云”直播,本次独特事件被称为“ASMS 2020 Reboot”。
01 植物研究
MOC am 08:50
Development of data-independent acquisition (DIA) peptidomics approach on analyzing peptide signaling in plants
Ying-Lan Chen; Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
02 免疫治疗
ThOC pm 03:30
Development of a SWATH-Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomic Method for the Characterization of CAR-T Cell Therapy
John E Schiel; National Institute of Standards and Technology, Rockville, MD
03 质量研究
WOD am 08:30
Strategies to improve reproducibility of large-scale data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry measurements acquired on multiple instruments over an extended period
Qing Zhong; Children’s Medical Research Institute, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia
04 数据分析
WOD am 09:50
Removing the hidden data dependency of DIA with predicted spectral libraries
Maarten Dhaenens, Ghent University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ghent, Belgium
WOD am 10:10
End-to-End Phenotype Prediction using Data Independent Acquisition Mass Spectrometry Tensor
Tiannan Guo; Westlake University, Hangzhou, China
05 经验分享
ThOH am 10:10
Lessons Learned the Hard Way: Acquiring and Analyzing Data Independent Acquisition Proteomics Data Collected on Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometers
Michael J MacCoss; University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington
01 磷酸化
MOC am 10:10
A draft of the Arabidopsis proteome
Julia Mergner; TU Munich, Freising, Germany
02 激酶研究
WOC am 09:10
Kinase specificity characterization of a PROTAC directed against BRAFV600E
Cassandra Wong; Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto
03 糖基化组
TOG pm 03:10
Comprehensive N- and O-Glycoproteomics with MSFragger Mass Offset Search
Alexey I. Nesvizhskii; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
04 DIA磷酸化
Thu, Jun 4, 2020 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM CST(https://biognosys.com/asms2020reboot)
High-Throughput and Sensitive (Phospho) Proteomics Using FAIMS and directDIA
Prof. Dr. Jesper Velgaard Olsen Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen)
01 PRM技术
MOF am 09:10
Quantitative MHC-I peptide measurement to support the development of cancer immunotherapeutic approaches using Parallel Reaction Monitoring
Axel Ducret; Roche Pharma Research and Early Development, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland
02 MRM技术
WOF pm 02:30
An Update on the Development of Quantitative MRM Assays for the Large-scale Measurement of Proteins from 20 Mouse Tissues
Sarah A. Michaud; University of Victoria - Genome British Columbia Proteomics Centre, Victoria, BC
01 FFPE组织
MOF am 09:50
A GCLP Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Workflow for Multiplexed Measurement of Protein Biomarkers in FFPE Tissues
Michael Schirm; Caprion Biosciences Inc., Montreal, QC
02 外囊泡
MOE pm 03:10
Charge Detection Mass Spectrometry Measurements of Exosomes and other Extracellular Particles Enriched from Bovine Milk
David E. Clemmer; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN
03 单细胞
ThOF am 08:50
Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry Reveals Cell-to-Cell Communication in Xenopus laevis (Frog) Embryos
Peter Nemes; University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
01 单细胞代谢
ThOF am 09:10
Single cell mass spectrometry metabolomics studies of cell heterogeneity in the infection of Chagas disease
Zhibo Yang; University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK
02 类黄酮分析
ThOD am 09:50
High Resolution LC-MS Analysis of Wine Samples for the Characterization of Flavonoids
Brandon Bills; Thermo Fisher Scientific, San Jose, CA
01 非酒精性脂肪肝
MOA pm 03:50
Fatty liver is more than “fat accumulation”: shotgun lipidomics of human non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and steatohepatitis
Andrej Shevchenko; Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Dresden, Germany
02 神经系统
TOB pm 03:10
Lipidomic analysis of an SCD inhibitor that reduces α-synuclein neurotoxicity
Dennis Selkoe; Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
TOB pm 03:30
Mass spectrometry analysis reveals altered fatty acid levels in the brain of the symptomatic Niemann-Pick, type C1 mouse model
Stephanie M. Cologna; University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL
03 免疫
WOD pm 03:30
The role of Signaling Sphingolipids in the inflammatory response and granuloma formation duringMtbinfection: Potential for new host-directed therapy
Veronique Dartois; Hackensack Meridian Health, Nutley, NJ
01 乳腺癌
WOB am 08:50
Multi-omic discovery of metabolic rewiring in triple-negative breast cancer following mitochondrial folate transport ablation
Steven S. Gross; Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY
02 药靶研究
WOC am 09:50
An Integrative Genomics, Metabolomics and Lipidomics Approach to Identify and Validate New Pharmaceutical Drug Targets
Eva Hurt Camejo; AstraZeneca R&D, Gothenburg, Sweden
TOD am 08:50
DMDB: A database for drug interactions, metabolism and mechanism of action based on integrative Omics
Richard G. Kibbey; Yale University, New Haven, CT
03 肠道微生物
MOE am 10:10
A Galaxy-based meta-omic approach for characterizing microbiome functional dynamics via integrated metaproteomics and metatranscriptomics abundance analysis
Timothy J Griffin; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
04 先天性基因缺陷
TOD am 08:30
Integration of metabolomics & proteomics profiles of NGLY1 deficiency plasma and cellular models to identify molecular phenotypes
Michael Snyder; Stanford University, Stanford, CA
05 植物育种&抗逆
TOD am 09:50
Automating the Analysis of Multi-Omics Data to Accelerate Breeding and Crop Protection Programs
Peter Haberl; Genedata GmbH, Munich, Germany
06 古生物
TOE am 09:30
Large-scale Palaeoproteogenomics to explore the phylogenetic tree of Elephantidae
Jesper V Olsen; NNF Center for Protein Research University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
01 Orbitrap Exploris 480
TOC pm 03:50
Equine Biological Passport using Orbitrap Exploris 480
Scott D Stanley; University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY
ThOF am 10:10
Improvements in sensitivity of nanoLC-MS-based deep proteomics profiling using monolithic capillary columns and the FAIMS Pro interface
Alexander R. Ivanov; Northeastern University, Boston, MA
02 Q-TOF
WOD am 09:10
Multidimensional data extraction from scanning quadrupole SWATH data
Stephen Tate; SCIEX, Concord, ontario
03 Ion mobility spectrometry
ThOF am 09:50
Leveraging trapped ion mobility spectrometry and PASEF for single cell proteomics
Northeastern University, Boston, MA
ThOB pm 02:30
Surface-induced Dissociation of Trapped Ion Mobility-Selected Protein Complexes
Vicki H. Wysocki; Bruker Daltonics, Billerica, MA
04 活细胞代谢组
TOA am 09:30
Spray-capillary Based Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Metabolites in Live Cells
Lushuang Huang; University of Oklahoma, Dept. of Chem & Biochem, Norman,OK
05 未知代谢物鉴定
ThOD pm 02:30
Using Complete Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange to Identify Unknown Compounds in Untargeted HILIC Metabolomics of Mouse Mammary Tumors
Clayton Bloszies; UC Davis, Davis, CA